So you want to learn how to make the workplace more intimate? Well, I can sympathize with your frustration. You get tired of fighting with your boss and colleagues. Your co-workers are rude and take advantage of you. Things are not going well in your department. The only way out is through a friendly departure or dismissal and/or withdrawal.
This is the last thing you want! I understand your desire to find out how to make a good relationship with work. It is not an easy task. If you can keep your cool for long enough, you will get the results you want. But if you are not careful or do not follow your plan, you may run into big problems.
The first step to consider is that you should get comfortable with your colleagues. Yes, it’s easier to try and make friends with everyone. This is very easy to do in social situations. However, if you do not seem to get along with people, this could be a sign that the path to a friendly conflict resolution is far from what you think.
After you have met your colleagues, you need to start a conversation with your boss. Of course, how you do this can vary depending on the type of conflict. In most cases, you should start by informing your boss that you have noticed a disturbing trend in behavior with other employees. You need to describe the activities you observed. You can state that you feel there is a problem with a particular person and that you want to talk to him or her to resolve any issues.
Once you have calmly explained your observations, you are ready to start thinking about your actions and reactions. You can decide if you want to remain neutral and just report the truth when it happens. However, if you choose to express yourself, you must walk carefully. Remember that your words can have consequences. For example, if you express dissatisfaction with the performance of other employees, you may face potential penalties from your manager. The key to successful communication is to be fair while still being assertive.
One of the best ways to build trust and communication is to build a friendly but professional relationship with your colleagues. This can be difficult to do in a small job. However, there are many steps you can take to foster a positive and warm atmosphere. Consider asking for help with tasks such as cleaning or caring for the elderly. This can go a long way towards creating a more intimate work environment.